Keeping Up-To-Date with GFSI/Schemes
Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), a non-profit foundation, was launched in May 2000 with a vision to drive continuous improvement in food safety to strengthen consumer confidence worldwide. The GFSI Foundation Board of Directors includes representation from major global retailers, food manufacturers and food service industries that provides the strategic direction and oversees the daily […]
Allergen Control
Over the past decade there has been an upward trend in food allergen recalls due to cross-contamination or cross contact and mislabeling. Approximately one third of recalls between September 2009 and September 2012 were due to undeclared allergens. Not only has this become a concerning trend, but it also poses food safety risks to consumers […]
SFC 2016 Recap and Presentations Now Available
The Safe Food California team would like to extend its thanks to all of those who participated in making Safe Food California 2016 the success that it was. We hope that you will join us in coming years as we pursue our goal of becoming the most insightful, educational food safety conference ever produced. Please […]