
Sanitation Checklist Template [FREE TEMPLATE]

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Whether you are a small or large food manufacturer, sanitation is always an important Good Manufacturing Practice to pay attention to. But what is the best way to do that?

To help you get started or improve the sanitation practices in your facility, we’ve created a set of free templates to guide you.

Understanding the Sanitation Template

These documents are sanitation checklist templates, designed for use in any operation. Using these as a starting point for your programs can help you organize sanitation activities and keep effective records of them. You can also use the templates to coordinate appropriate verification activities. Use these templates to ensure your program’s effectiveness. Remember: The key to the best food safety programs is an “always-on” mentality. That way you can proactively approach problems and find solutions quickly.

Special note* You may need to modify these templates to fit your company’s needs. Therefore, use them as a starting point for your final checklists. Using them will help your company meet requirements for GFSI certification as well as FDA sanitation requirements.