Taking the “Labor” out of Selecting a Third-Party “Labor”atory
The need for a third-party laboratory is a must in today’s marketplace. The word laboratory, first used in the 1600s, comes from the Latin laboratorium, aplace set apart for scientific
The need for a third-party laboratory is a must in today’s marketplace. The word laboratory, first used in the 1600s, comes from the Latin laboratorium, aplace set apart for scientific
By: Joseph Nicholl When submitting a sample for testing which option should you choose: Listeria spp. or Listeria monocytogenes? That is a good question. One is very broad (Listeria spp.)
Written by Thomas Jones, Senior Director of Analytical Services and Pam Cooper, Quality Assurance Manager for Safe Food Alliance Detention; a word associated with childhood pranks, the principal’s office, guilt,
Guidance for Industry: Supply-Chain Program Requirements and Co-Manufacturer Supplier Approval and Verification for Human Food and Animal Food November 2017 This guidance is intended for persons who participate in certain