
Industry Briefs: March 2016

Every day, we monitor industry publications, news feeds, blogs, and social media for interesting industry updates and data points regarding food safety, industry news, and upcoming events. Below are a few highlights we’d like to share.

  • FDA FSMA Budget

    FDA requested, and received, a significant increase in FY 2016—$104.5 million in new budget authority—in anticipation of implementing the final rules. A further increase is essential in FY 2017, primarily in the key areas of state funding for produce safety and ensuring the safety of imported food, to fully realize the public health and public confidence benefits promised by FSMA. In his FY 2017 Budget Request, the President has proposed additional resources that include an increase of $25.3 million of new budget authority to implement FSMA. To view more on this topic, please visit the FDA website here.

  • Fosetyl Al Update

    The European Union has approved the extension of a temporary MRL in tree nuts. Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/75, dated January 21st, 2016, retains an MRL of 75 mg/kg in almonds, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pistachios and walnuts. The current regulation only applies to the tree nuts listed above; the other commodities previously listed under the temporary MRL have reverted to the default MRL of 2 mg/kg.

    The previous temporary MRL for fosetyl-Al expired December 31st, and the new regulation applies retroactively to January 1st of this year to prevent any compliance issues for tree nut products in the channels of trade. The extension lasts through March 1, 2019 and intended to allow sufficient time for a permanent MRL to be established.

    In California, field trials in almonds, pistachios and walnuts have been completed and the samples are currently being analyzed for phosphonate residues. These data will be submitted to the EU in support of a permanent MRL; this submission should occur later this year.

  • March 2016 FSMA Rule Release: Sanitary Transport of Food and Feed

    On March 31, 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will release the Sanitary Transport of Food and Feed (STF) rule – outlined in Title 1, section 111 of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

    This final rule would require those who transport food to use pre-approved sanitary transportation practices to ensure the safety of food.

    The final rule, which is required by FSMA, would help maintain the safety of both human and animal food during transportation by establishing criteria such as: temperature controls, conditions and practices, training and record keeping. More information will be provided as the release date draws near.