
How to Manage Your Growers: FSMA Produce Safety Rule for Processors

Let’s face it, all of our food comes from farms. When it comes to plant-based food there’s always a grower (or many growers!) involved.  Here at Safe Food Alliance, we work to, help growers implement processes to ensure compliance with the FSMA Produce Safety rule (FSMA is the FDA’s “Food Safety Modernization Act”). Many of […]

Intro to Produce Safety

The Produce Safety rule, which is part of a larger set of food safety regulations recently issued by the U.S. FDA, applies to growers of produce within the U.S. This includes both traditional “fresh produce”, as well as tree nuts and dried fruit among other items. The full title of this regulation is “Standards for […]

LGMA Metrics Now Fully Align with FSMA Produce Safety Rule

The LGMA programs in California and Arizona have updated their required food safety practices so they are in alignment with new federal food safety laws. This means that 90 percent of the leafy greens produced in the U.S. and certified through the LGMA’s system of mandatory government audits will be in full compliance with the […]